In June 2018, UAB Blue Bridge signed a financing agreement with the Lithuanian Business Support Agency for the financing of the project with EU funds under the measure “Intellect. Joint Science-Business Projects”. The project is based on the research and experimental development activities carried out in cooperation with the scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and is aimed at developing a unique multifunctional intelligent business support system data analysis platform.
Adapting to the speed of change in modern business is becoming increasingly complex. Changes in existing markets, digitalisation, changes in internal regulations, competitors’ moves, internal processes, changes in customer buying habits, lack of education and technological awareness often determine the growth and development of companies. If a company is able to track and analyse the data and situations related to these changes, it is able to learn, grow and expand.
Big Data Analytics is gaining strategic value for many industries and organisations because data-driven decisions are better decisions based on facts rather than the intuition of experts or individuals. The data analytics platform being developed for B2B business management will analyse, visualise and correlate business processes between external global data and internal company or sector data. The platform will focus on forecasting (analysis of different alternatives and scenario building), data linkage (finding connections between data), sentiment analysis and making recommendations to the future user. Insight, process planning and optimisation, and finding the best alternatives will be the hallmarks of the multifunctional support system.
The results of the project will help the company to develop and market products:
- A data mapping, visualisation approach to cost-effectively extract value from very large and varied data volumes, enabling very fast discovery;
- An innovative service for the prediction of computational resources, big data analytics, elements involved in business efficiency.
The project is carried out with partner Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. The planned duration of the project is 24 months.
The project costs are partly financed by the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for Investment of European Union Funds, project No J05-LVPA-K-01-0062.