Blue Bridge Code, UAB 2019 in February signed an agreement with the Lithuanian Business Support Agency on project financing with EU support funds under the Intelligence measure. Joint scientific-business projects”. On the basis of research and experimental development activities carried out during the project, a new information systems tool “Process Alphabet” will be created.
With the help of research and experimental development activities carried out during the project, users of the tool created will be able to implement and change information systems faster and better, ensuring a direct link between processes and implemented changes. It will be simple and easy for customers to manage process changes, identify the weakest points of processes, identify areas for improvement, and track the implementation of goals more simply and quickly.
The new information technology tool will provide benefits in the transport, energy and healthcare sectors – both for business entities and state organizations, i.e. for institutions where the processes carried out will be simplified thanks to the installed tool, and the performed activities will be performed even more simply. The innovative tool being implemented will be an innovation not only in Lithuania, but also in other Baltic countries.
The planned duration of the project implementation is 18 months. The investment necessary for the implementation of the scientific research and experimental development activities carried out during the project amounts to about 187 thousand. Eur.
Project costs are partially financed in 2014-2020. with the funds of the investment action program of the European Union funds, project no. J05-LVPA-K-04-0024.