In June 2018, UAB Blue Bridge signed a financing agreement with the Lithuanian Business Support Agency for the financing of the project with EU funds under the measure “Intellect. Joint science-business projects”. The project will develop an innovative career modelling system on the basis of research and experimental development activities.
The right career choice is important both for a person’s quality of life and for the country’s economic growth. Research shows that the greatest economic benefits are generated by individuals who make the right, optimal choice of profession and career path. The development of a comprehensive career modelling system will be aimed at enhancing the psychological well-being of young people and at modelling career choices through the development of human values and personal strengths. The planned project is based on state-of-the-art research and methodology on career dispositions, personal strengths, psychological characteristics (initiative, psychological capital, etc.), the synergy of which will ensure the achievement of the project’s results and their effectiveness.
The results of the project will help the company to develop and market products:
- A methodology for enhancing young people’s psychological well-being and modelling career choices;
- An e-modelling tool for youth psychological well-being and career choice.
The project is carried out with partners UAB “Institute of Management and Psychology” and MB “Karjeros kelias”. The planned duration of the project is 24 months. The project costs are partly financed by the Operational Programme for Investment of European Union Funds 2014-2020, project No J05-LVPA-K-01-0066.